Wednesday 25 July 2007

summer sojourn

Off out for the summer, too much to do and busy making the most of the daylight! Back in September, if not before...

Raspberry Chocolate ice lollies, here's to a full summer.

Saturday 14 July 2007

seaside special

From today's Guardian. Here comes summer!
Refreshment from Lychee Sorbet.

Friday 6 July 2007

green roof

Ever since going to the Norsk Folkemuseum across the water from Oslo, I have loved living green roof tops. Here's a Sedum bird box from Hen & Hammock.

You Grow Girl's Succulent Window Box project is inspiring. Many details about succulent varieties.

Looking forward to time in the garden. Here's a fun seed chart from goldtop, a sweet way to keep a record of growth.

Carrot Avocado Salad, feeling in need of time to prepare a fresh food.

Monday 2 July 2007


The gorgeous photography of Marcus Nilsson.

These eggs remind me of Italian Baci sweets, the colours of the chocolates in their wrappers. I found this recipe, Baci di dama.