Saturday 23 June 2007

mid point

Kamalaya lotus ponds from Pookilicious' plant & flower set on Flickr. This image is so serene and peaceful.

Resting today and now time to think about my blog. I have been keeping this blog for six months and here it is the middle of 2007, already past the summer solstice. Usually I like to pause to consider such days but the week sped past.

Less posting has helped me get other things done but I feel a bit less connected to all that I had discovered. I have made some great contacts through this experience. Enthusiasm on a subject is a great thing to share. I have appreciated every comment made.

The librarian in me has reorganised my labels, if anything to help keep my blog more focused on what I enjoy. All the recipes I add, the things I find seemed to make a messy list of subjects.

A little while ago I added chaffinch :: online to the side bar. Inspired by Abigail and her online links organisation. I haven't yet worked out what to use the blog space for, perhaps my antique postcard collection could feature.

So looking back and looking ahead, a bit of consideration to make a better blog, a bit more often! A funny little pastime, which to friends shy of the web still don't understand the point when I try to explain. Put simply I suppose it is a creative connection to the world. port2port press answers make an insightful read and shows the value of shared creativity.

My love of good food keeps me searching for a recipe from around the web. Raspberry and elderflower fool, a summer treat for when the sunshine returns.

Good luck Grainne Morton for the Jerwood Applied Arts Prize 2007, winner to be announced on Monday.

1 comment:

Kristen Doran said...

I love that lotus image. I could stare for ages.