Sunday 28 January 2007


This week chiff :: chaff :: chaffinch will be a month old. January has been a good time to keep up the posting, stay in (aside from work), rest, think about what inspires me and consider the year ahead.

It is exciting to see what is out there, on the web, creatively. So much inspiration shared, I most enjoyed reading Abigail's 'Fragments of me' post last year, such an evocative read and perfect to jog a brainstorm of everything you personally love. I still haven't written my list but it's a luxury to stop for a moment and daydream about everything enjoyed in life, a tonic.

Another memorable post last year is this, from little birds, the first image of the floral arrangement is magical and the sentiment of 'a little pretty corner' is perfect. I'm pleased to read little birds will soon be back, and I continue to enjoy the images captured for 3191.

This blog is a great visual scrapbook for me. If you are reading please share what you think. I've had a couple of lovely comments. I am interested in where this documentation will take me. I am a book designer and daily visual inspiration is so important to keep work moving on positively, from all media. There is also nothing better than a good art exhibition to feel plucked out of the daily routine and amazed, I am looking forward to COLLECT at the V&A.


Janet said...

I am loving every post you give us. I have been blogging for a few months now and haven't totally found my formula, although I find inspiration and clarity through writing thoughts and displaying images it is taking up too much time. I could happily spend hours reading and writing each evening and my work load does not allow for it at the moment. Gilty pleasures! I am enjoying your thoughts because you keep beating me to it. Our loves are v.v.similar. Thank you

jen said...

thanks for the links to those cookbooks~ i have not seen those is good to know you have a blog! i look forward to checking in.