Thursday 4 January 2007

the sea

Brighton on the train, a real treat. Rushing past Battersea Power Station in sunshine, racing towards Sussex. Under a bank of cloud and out the otherside to reveal a glimpse of the Jack and Jill Windmill's perched on the Downs, almost at the coast.

Delicious food and drink at terre a terre and then to the beach. Frothy, rough and crashing January waves chasing the pebbles below the pier, set a refreshing scene.

Homeward bound reading the February Elle Decoration full of beautiful photography and the colour palette inspired by British winter seas! A gorgeous article Life less ordinary featuring a Nottingham home full of retro glamour. A yellow fern cushion in this home caught my eye, alas sold out in the west elm sale.

Instead I am happy to show the beautiful west elm interiors shot above, which will inspire me and remind me of the colours seen today flying through Sussex and the great sea.

Cinnamon and Wine-Poached Pears reminiscent of one of the many lunchtime flavours.

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