Wednesday 18 April 2007

rule below

Captured at my friends allotment on Good Friday or 'Great Friday' as it was refered to by one of the children.

Here is the first of my weekly posts, a better way; making more of these light evenings and appreciating the sunsets. Most, not all of the blossom has blown away now and I am amazed how leaves have grown since last week.

I am drawing a metaphorical line under random regular posting and looking to begin more thoughtful mid week posts, a small routine in a chaotic life.

Today I bought the book, hinted about last Tuesday. The Happy Campers is a fantastic book, which brightened a double decker bus ride home. Happiness on the printed page. Images from the website and all the illustration is by co-author Kat Heyes, also Kat's blog.

More inspiration discovered from illustrator Hennie Haworth. I love the techniques combined to make such striking images, here are a selection of pieces.

I discovered Hennie Haworth illustrated an article for the Guardian G2, in November 2006. The on-line article makes an amusing read about organic vegetable boxes and includes a couple of recipes.

1 comment:

jen said...

oh, i love these illustrations! thanks for the introduction.